Balance the mind and energize the electromagnetic field in these three simple exercises. The breath called Breath of Fire, the mantra to repeat in your mind is "Sat Nam" which means "truth is my essence." If you are pregnant or on the first three days of your moon cycle, do not do breath of fire and instead do long deep breath.

Benefits of Breath of Fire:

  • Releases toxins and deposits from the lungs, mucous linings, blood vessels, and other cells.
  • Expands the lung capacity and increases vital strength.
  • Strengthens the nervous system to handle stress.
  • Increases physical endurance and prepares you to act effectively.
  • Reduces addictive impulses for drugs, smoking, and bad foods.
  • Increases oxygen delivery to the brain, facilitating a focused, intelligent, and neutral state of mind.
  • Boosts the immune system.
  • Promotes synchronization of the biorhythms of the body’s systems.