Clear Skin Kit

Clear Skin Kit

A one month supply to clear and revitalize your skin with 4 simple products.

Sea Foam Cleanser

This is a balancing cleanser that works to gently support the skin's detoxification process. Salicylic Acid, a beta hydroxy acid, penetrates sebaceous substances in the hair follicles and exfoliates the pores. Kaolin clay purges the skin of impurities by increasing the passageway of the skin layers.

Skin Tight Toner

A delicate blend of coconut water and essential oils, this toners hydrates, tones, and tightens. The organic witchazel shrinks the blood vessels on the face improving the clarity of the skin and decrease circles around the eyes. 

Raw Coconut Day Repair 

It's minerals and clays from the earth purify the skin by increasing detoxification through the skin throughout the entire day. It is not greasy and won't add to breakouts because it is a balanced formula to give your skin what it needs. Raw Coconut Water supplies vital nutrients and hydration to the skin all day long while the Hyaluronic Acid, Magnesium, Vitamins A, E, and C tighten and tone, decreasing the appearance of fine lines.

Living Enzyme Scrub 

Promotes purification beneath the surface using clays and minerals by purging impurities. Nutritious oils balance the cleansing clays allowing this exfoliator to be safely used once a day.
